İçeriğe atla

Şablon:Daraltılabilir liste

Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi
Şablon belgelemesi[gör] [değiştir] [geçmiş] [temizle]
Aşağıdaki şablon belgelemesi Şablon:Daraltılabilir liste/belge sayfasının görüntüsüdür. [değiştir]

{{Collapsible list
|title       = 
|frame_style = <!-- (optional) -->
|title_style = <!-- (optional) -->
|list_style  = <!-- (optional) -->
|1           = First item of list
|2           = Second item of list
|3           = Third item of list

Syntax for an always collapsed list

[kaynağı değiştir]
{{Collapsible list
|title       = 
|frame_style = <!-- (blank) -->
|title_style = <!-- (optional) -->
|list_style  = text-align:left;display:none; 
|1           = First item of list
|2           = Second item of list
|3           = Third item of list

Syntax for an always collapsed list without borders (for use within an infobox)

[kaynağı değiştir]
{{Collapsible list
|title       = 
|frame_style = border:none; padding: 0;
|title_style = <!-- (optional) -->
|list_style  = text-align:left;display:none; 
|1           = First item of list
|2           = Second item of list
|3           = Third item of list

{{Collapsible list |title=[[European Free Trade Association]] Members |[[İzlanda]] |[[Liechtenstein]] |[[Norveç]] |[[İsviçre]]}}

Example of a list that's always collapsed

[kaynağı değiştir]
{{Collapsible list 
|title=[[Great Lakes]] States 
|frame_style=border:1px solid #aaa; padding: 1;
|list_style  = text-align:left;display:none; <!--NOTICE: list_style makes the list stay collapsed-->
|5= [[Minnesota]]<!-- <!-- the #= is optional, but if used, then all entries must have it-->-->
|6= [[Wisconsin]]
|7= [[Pensilvanya]]
|8= [[New York]]

Example of a list that's always collapsed and without borders because it's within an infobox

[kaynağı değiştir]

In these examples, the fields leader_name2 and leader_name3 have been changed to use collapsible list.

{{Infobox City
|official_name          = City of Hamilton
...Truncated for display reasons... 

|leader_title           = [[Mayor]]
|leader_name            = [[Fred Eisenberger]]
|leader_title1          = [[City Council]]
|leader_name1           = [[Hamilton City Council]]

|leader_title2          = [[Member of Parliament (Canada)|MPs]]
|leader_name2           = {{Collapsible list
|title       = List of MPs
|frame_style=border:none; padding: 0; <!--NOTICE: This will hide the borders and make rows closer (padding)-->
|title_style = 
|list_style  = text-align:left;display:none; <!-- NOTICE: This will always collapse the list-->
|1=[[Dean Allison]] 
|2=[[Chris Charlton]] 
|3=[[David Christopherson]]
|4=[[Wayne Marston]]
|5=[[David Sweet]]
|leader_title3          = [[Member of Provincial Parliament|MPPs]]

|leader_name3           = {{Collapsible list
|title       = List of MPPs
|frame_style=border:none; padding: 0; <!--NOTICE: This will hide the borders and make rows closer (padding)-->
|title_style = 
|list_style  = text-align:left;display:none;
|1=[[Marie Bountrogianni]] 
|2=[[Andrea Horwath]] 
|3=[[Judy Marsales]]
|4=[[Ted McMeekin]]
|5=[[Jennifer Mossop]]

|established_title      = [[Municipal corporation|Incorporated]]
|established_date       = [[June 9]] [[1846]]<ref name=1846est>Provincial Statutes of Canada 1846 9° vict. pg 981 Chapter ...}} 

Şablon:Infobox City