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Eurasian Research Institute is the branch of Khoca Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University and was founded on August 1, 2014 in Almaty. The Institute was created for the purpose of making interdisciplinary academic research and developing data in a wide range of fields including economics, finance, energy, international relations, security, transportation, technology, education, culture, art, linguistics, religion, philosophy, sociology, politics, history, archaeology and environment in the Eurasian region that comprises a vast area from the Balkans to Mongolia with particular focus on Turkic-Speaking Countries and Related Communities.

The main objectives of the Institute are to carry out joint projects and activities with similar research institutions in the world; to develop projects in cooperation with regional and international organizations, comprised of Turkic-Speaking Countries and Related Communities; to publish reports, bulletins, journals and books; to organize national and international academic workshops and training programs; to give prizes to the researchers in their field of interest; and to support Masters and PhD students’ research activities by providing scholarship in their field of interest.

Besides, the Institute aims to plan and support research projects in the framework of its mission and vision, contributing to the protection of historical and cultural heritage of the region and the promotion of regional peace and cooperation through strategic recommendations for politicians and business world. By publishing its academic studies in English, Turkish, Kazakh and Russian, the Institute has made important contributions especially to the Turkish and English literature in the area of Eurasian Studies. Aiming to transform knowledge into strategy the Eurasian Research Institute is engaged in research that will promote cooperation in the Eurasian region. The Institute carries out its activities in the following research groups: Economics, Finance and Energy Research Group, Politics, Foreign Policy and Security Research Group, and Society and Culture Research Group.

Research Groups:

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  • Economics, Finance and Energy Research Group conducts interdisciplinary academic research related to economics, finance, energy, environment and technology; and plans the projects in this area.
  • Politics, Foreign Policy and Security Research Group conducts interdisciplinary academic research related to politics, foreign affairs, security, transport and relations with regional countries and other external players; and plans the projects in this area.
  • Society and Culture Research Group conducts interdisciplinary academic research in linguistics, religion, philosophy, history, culture, art and sociology; and plans the projects in this area.

Academic Publications

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The Institute publishes academic studies on the most relevant topics in the region. The publications include comments, weekly e-bulletins, discussion papers, Asya Avrupa journal, international peer-reviewed Eurasian Research Journal, Eurasian Outlook book series and other books on different topics. Comments and analyses are prepared by our experts and, in some cases, by external experts. In addition, the Institute publishes weekly e-bulletins consisting of two sections such as Weekly Analysis and Weekly News. Discussion papers are also published in series within the scope of the Working Groups of the Institute. The Institute publishes monthly Asya Avrupa: Haber-Yorum journal, which contains comments, interviews, event news and infographic. Reports of experts on topics that are of particular interest to the Turkic-Speaking States and Communities are published by the Institute. Within the scope of the projects supported by the Institute, the copyright or translation books of well-known academicians are published on wide range of issues related to the Eurasian region and/or Turkic-Speaking States and Communities. To date, a total of 9 books, 5 reports, 112 analyzes, articles and discussion papers, 240 comments, 155 e-bulletins (in Turkish, English and 95 in Kazakh), 810 weekly comments have been prepared by the experts of our Institute.

Academic Publications

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Besides the academic publications, the Eurasian Research Institute within a short period of time has also become a research institution that organizes various activities. These events include Eurasian Seminars, Eurasian Meetings, Eurasian Congresses, Symposiums and Workshops.

  • Eurasian Seminars: This is a series of seminars to which researchers of the institute and academicians from Kazakhstan and abroad are invited.
  • Eurasian Meetings: Round table meetings and panels are being organized in order to bring together specialists and experts in various fields from Kazakhstan or abroad to evaluate the issues that are particularly relevant to the Turkic-Speaking States and Communities and the Eurasian region in general.
  • Eurasia Congress, Symposiums and Workshops: A wide range of international congresses, symposiums and workshops are held on issues related to the Eurasian region or Turkic-Speaking States and Communities.

Since August 1, 2014, when the institute was founded, 120 Eurasian seminars and meetings have been held, 74 interviews, 53 reports presented at scientific meetings organized outside the Institute's activities, 12 international forums, congresses, symposiums and workshops and 6 certificate programs and cultural activities have been organized. Among them the most well-known events are the International Congress on Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE), the Eurasian Think Tanks Convention and the Eurasian Summer School. The EFE Congress is held bi-annually and 3rd EFE Congress will be organized on April 16-18, 2018 in Almaty city. This time the main topic of the congress is “Understanding the Geopolitical Shifts in the Financial Sector and Real Activities”.

The Eurasian Think Tanks Convention was held by Akhmet Yassawi University Eurasian Research Institute with the financial support of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Relative Communities of the Republic of Turkey on November 22, 2016 in Turkey's capital city Ankara. The Eurasian Research Institute has made it possible for researchers from think tanks/research centers in the Eurasian region to meet each other and to be able to prepare more joint projects and studies in the future. The symposium invited a total of 42 experts as representatives of 37 institutions from 13 different countries. The Eurasian Summer School, which was organized by the Eurasian Research Institute in cooperation with International Turkic Academy and with the financial support of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Relative Communities of the Republic of Turkey and the International Turkic Academy on September 19-27, 2016. The summer school, brought together 20 young academicians from various countries in the Eurasian region working on different issues in the region, encouraging them to meet each other and have the opportunity to gain firsthand information from distinguished experts invited from different countries in the Eurasian region.