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  • 10.51, 20 Şubat 2024 Jammer TR mesaj katkılar, Kullanıcı:Jammer TR/deneme tahtası sayfasını oluşturdu ("''' == XSKYDEF == ''' XSkyDef was founded in 2023 and has had an important position in the Defense Industry sector for many years. The company closely follows the developing technology and develops solutions suitable for defense strategies. Recognizing the increasing importance of drone technology early on, XSkyDef has accelerated its Ar-Ge efforts in this field. Drawing attention with its success in anti-drone technology, XSkyDef pioneers innovatio..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
  • 15.30, 12 Şubat 2024 Jammer TR mesaj katkılar, Xskydef Defence Systems sayfasını oluşturdu ("As XSkyDef, we are at the center of the Defence Industry for many years. We have been following the developing technology and changing defence strategies for many years and developing its R & D studies on these issues, understood the importance of drone technology early and directed its development accordingly. Aiming to prevent the weakness of today's defence methods against new technologies emerging with the development of technology, XSkyDef has take..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu) Etiketler: otobiyografi Görsel Düzenleyici
  • 10.27, 12 Şubat 2024 Kullanıcı hesabı Jammer TR mesaj katkılar oluşturuldu