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Virginmaryholywater Virgin Mary House is located on the Bülbül Mountain, 9 km from Selçuk. It is known that John brought Virgin Mary to Ephesus 4 or 6 years after the death of Jesus. In 1891, the Lazarist priests, upon the dream of the German nun A. Katherina Emerich, discovered that the house where the Virgin Mary spent her last days was at the end of this research. This event is a new invention in the world of Christianity and shed light on the world of religion. This structure was cross-planned then restored. The house is considered sacred by Muslims, Pope VI. After Paul's visit in 1967, the rites are held on the 15th day of August every year, and these rituals attract great attention.

PAPA’NIN MESAJI Let's raise a special prayer for the inter-communal peace, from Ephesus, which has been sanctified by the presence of Saint Mary, whom Muslims love and glorify. From this point of Anatolia, which is a natural bridge between the continents, we are begging for peace and peace in the land of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whom Christians, Jews and Muslims consider "sacred". The fate of this sacred land was to be a cradle for a society that would be beneficial for all nations.

The house of the Virgin Mary is on Mount Bülbül in Turkey. On this mountain, which is 420 meters above sea level, there is a large amount of water in the garden of the Virgin Mary, and this water is considered sacred.Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; isimsiz ref içeriği olmalı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)

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