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Şablon:Cite Lives of the Eminent Philosophers

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Kullanım: {{Cite Lives of the Eminent Philosophers|chapter=name of the philosopher}} (Liste için bkz: belgeleme)

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This template allows links to a book on Wikisource called Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. It is a wrapper around {{cite book}}

Most of the parameters for this template are preset:

|translator-first=Robert Drew
|year=1925 — this is the default but it can be modified 
             and set to an alternative e.g. year=1925b
             (for use with {{harv}} templates and multiple chapters from this book)
|title=Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
|edition=Two volume
|publisher=Loeb Classical Library

The ones that can be set by the editor are:

|§=section – add the section or sections to the citation. Eg §=5 or §=5–10 etc
|noicon=x — removes the Wikisource icon from the front of the display
|short=x  — reduces the number of parameters displayed
|mode=cs2 — see the documentation of the template {{cite book}} 
|ref=     — see the documentation of the template {{cite book}}
|chapter=one of the names in the tables below — this is the only parameter that must be entered
All of the book
Face plate Index
Volume 1
Book I[a] Book II Book III Book IV Book V
The Seven Sages Socrates, with predecessors and followers Plato The Academics The Peripatetics
Prologue Anaximander Plato Speusippus Aristotle
Thales Anaximenes Xenocrates Theophrastus
Solon Anaxagoras Polemo Strato
Chilon Archelaus Crates Lyco
Pittacus Socrates Crantor Demetrius
Bias Xenophon Arcesilaus Heraclides
Cleobulus Aeschines Bion
Periander Aristippus Lacydes
Anacharsis Phaedo Carneades
Myson Euclides Clitomachus
Epimenides Stilpo
Pherecydes Crito
Menedemus (book ii)
Additional subsections[b]
Volume 2
Book VI Book VII Book VIII Book IX Book X
The Cynics The Stoics Pythagoreans Others Epicurus
Antisthenes Zeno Pythagoras Heraclitus Epicurus
Diogenes Ariston Empedocles Xenophanes
Monimus Herillus Epicharmus Parmenides
Onesicritus Dionysius Archytas Melissus
Crates Cleanthes Alcmaeon Zeno of Elea
Metrocles Sphaerus Hippasus Leucippus
Hipparchia Chrysippus Philolaus Democritus
Menippus Eudoxus Protagoras
Menedemus (book vi) Diogenes of Apollonia
Additional subsections
Persaeus Metrodorus
Kuriai Doxai


  1. ^ Book uppercase Roman numeral can also be used for example: chapter=Book VII
  2. ^ These subsections are in the section Aristippus (§ 91–97) and describe thee schools

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Cite Lives of the Eminent Philosophers