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Zeyneb bint Cahş: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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Kibele tarafından yapılan 14513964 sayılı değişiklik geri alınıyor.Tartımada anlatıldı Tartışma:Zeyneb binti Huzeyme
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28. satır: 28. satır:

hükmünü içermektedir. İşte bu hükmü toplumda pekiştirmek için [[İslâm Peygamberi]] [[Muhammed]], Zeynep ile evlenmiştir.<ref>Sarıçam, İbrahim, Hz. Muhammed ve Evrensel Mesajı, Ankara 2005, s.290.</ref><ref>Kâinatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı, Salih Suruç, 370.baskı, s.496</ref>
hükmünü içermektedir. Bu hükmü toplumda yerleştirmek için [[Muhammed]]'in, Allah tarafından Zeynep ile evlendirildiğine inanılır.<ref>Sarıçam, İbrahim, Hz. Muhammed ve Evrensel Mesajı, Ankara 2005, s.290.</ref><ref>Kâinatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı, Salih Suruç, 370.baskı, s.496</ref>

Bu sure ve ayetlerle ilgili olarak [[vahiy|vahy]]in Allah'ın arzularından ziyade Muhammed'in arzularını yansıttığı şeklinde eleştiriler yapılmıştır.<ref>"Being the wife of an adopted son, she was unlawful to the Prophet, but a pretended revelation (see Qur’ān, Sūrah xxxiii. 37) settled the difficulty, and Muḥammad married her." Hughes, T. P. (1885). A Dictionary of Islam: Being a Cyclopædia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, together with the Technical and Theological Terms, of the Muhammadan Religion. London: W. H. Allen & Co.</ref><ref>"However, Muhammad did this, and had to justify his action by alleging that he had for it the direct sanction of God. It was first necessary to show that God did not approve of the general objection to marriage with wives of adopted sons, and so the revelation came thus: Nor hath He made your adopted sons to be as your sons.—Súratu’l Ahzáb (33) v. 4. ... Having thus settled the general principle, the way was clear for Muhammad to act in this particular case, and to claim divine sanction for setting at nought the sentiment of the Arab people. So the revelation goes on to say: And remember when thou (i.e. Muhammad) said to him (i.e. Zaid), unto whom God had shown favour and to whom thou also hadst shown favour, ‘Keep thy wife to thyself and fear God;’ and thou didst hide in thy mind what God would bring to light and thou didst fear man; but more right had it been to fear God. And when Zaid had settled to divorce her, we married her to thee, that it might not be a crime in the faithful to marry the wives of their adopted sons when they have settled the affairs concerning them. And the order of God is to be performed. No blame attaches to the Prophet where God hath given him a permission.—Súratu’l Ahzáb (33) vv. 37–8. This relaxation of the moral law for Muhammad’s benefit, because he was a prophet, shows how easy the divorce between religion and morality becomes in Islám." Sell, E. (1905). The Historical Development of the Quran (pp. 150–152). London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.</ref><ref>"But we learn the same lesson from all such investigations, and that is how completely Muḥammad adapted his pretended revelations to what he believed to be the need of the moment. The same thing is true with regard to what we read in Sûrah Al Aḥzâb regarding the circumstances attending his marriage with Zainab, whom his adopted son Zaid divorced for his sake. The subject is too unsavoury for us to deal with at any length, but a reference to what the Qur’ân itself (Sûrah XXXIII., 37) says about the matter, coupled with the explanations afforded by the Commentators and the Traditions, will prove that Muḥammad’s own character and disposition have left their mark upon the moral law of Islâm and upon the Qur’ân itself." Tisdall, W. S. C. (1911). The Original Sources of the Qur’ân (pp. 278–279). London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.</ref><ref>"But at Medina he seems to have cast off all shame; and the incidents connected with his marital relations, more especially the story of his marriage with Zainab the wife of his adopted son Zaid, and his connexion with Mary the Coptic slave-girl, are sufficient proof of his unbridled licentiousness and of his daring impiety in venturing to ascribe to GOD Most High the verses which he composed to sanction such conduct." Tisdall, W. S. C. (1895). The Religion of the Crescent, or Islâm: Its Strength, Its Weakness, Its Origin, Its Influence. Non-Christian Religious Systems (p. 177). London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.</ref><ref>"The scandal of the marriage was removed by this extraordinary revelation, and Zeid was thenceforward called not “the son of Mahomet,” as heretofore, but by his proper name, “Zeid, the son of Hârith.” Our only matter of wonder is, that the Revelations of Mahomet continued after this to be regarded by his people as inspired communications from the Almighty, when they were so palpably formed to secure his own objects, and pander even to his evil desires. We hear of no doubts or questionings; and we can only attribute the confiding and credulous spirit of his followers to the absolute ascendancy of his powerful mind over all who came within its influence." Muir, W. (1861). The Life of Mahomet (Vol. 3, p. 231). London: Smith, Elder and Co.</ref>

Sayfanın 11.37, 24 Temmuz 2014 tarihindeki hâli

Şablon:Muhammed hânımları Zeyneb bint-i Cahş, (d.Milâdi 593 - ö.646)[1] İslâm peygamberi Muhammed ’in eşi. Zeyneb aynı zamanda halası Ümeyme bint-i Abdülmuttalib'in de kızıdır.[2][3]


Zeyneb bint-i Cahş, ibadete düşkün, takva sahibi, cömert ve kanaatkâr bir sahâbîye olarak bilinmektedir. Aynı zamanda dikiş dikerek ve el işi yaparak kazandığı parayı fakir ve kimsesizlere sadaka olarak dağıtmak gibi güzel vasıflara sahip olduğu da ifade edilmektedir.[4] [5][6][7]

Zeyd bin Hârise ile evliliği

Zeyneb bint-i Cahş, ilk iman edenlerdendi. Onu,İslam Peygamberi Muhammed azat edip hürriyetine kavuşturduğu kölesi Zeyd bin Hârise ile, Hicret'in 5. senesi Zilkade ayında evlendirdi. Zeyd bin Hârise aynı zamanda Muhammed'in evlatlığı (ve ilk müslüman olan dört kişiden biriydi) idi. Bu sebeple evliliğin dünürlüğünü de Muhammed yapmıştı. [8] Zeyneb'in asîl bir aileye mensup, kocası Zeyd'in ise daha önce bir köle ve sonradan hürriyetine kavuşan biri olması; eşler arasında statü farklılığı oluşturmuş, Zeyneb bint-i Cahş eş olarak Zeyd bin Hârise’ye ısınamamış, ailede şiddetli geçimsizlik baş göstermişti. Zeyneb bint-i Cahş, bu evliliği sürdürmek istemiyor, Muhammed'in isteği üzerine sabrediyordu.

Zeyd bin Hârise , evliliklerinin birinci yılı dahi dolmamışken İslam Peygamberi Muhammed'e gelerek, "Yâ Resûlallah! Ben, ailemden ayrılmak istiyorum" dedi.[9] Muhammed bu duruma çok üzüldü ve Zeyd’e: “Hanımını tut (boşama) ve Allah’tan kork.” [10][11] [12]demek suretiyle boşanmalarını engellemek istedi ancak ailede geçimsizlik had safhaya gelince Zeyd, karısı Zeyneb’i boşamak zorunda kaldı.[13]

İslâm Peygamberi Muhammed ve evlatlığı Zeyd bin Hârise'nin konumu

İslâm Peygamberi Muhammed, Zeyd bin Hârise’yi evlat edinmişti. Ona Zeyd bin Muhammed denilmekteydi. Cahiliye döneminde evlatlık, öz evlat gibi görülür, öz evladın bütün haklarına tabi tutulurdu. Bir evlatlığın hanımıyla evlenmek, geleneğe göre babaya yasaktı. Cahiliye devrindeki evlat edinme âdetini/geleneğini İslamiyet ortadan kaldırarak, evlatlık olanı sadece bir din kardeşi olarak kabul etmiş ve evlatlığın boşadığı kadını / kadınları nikâhlama hususunu manevi babalara helal kılmıştır.(Ahzab Suresi: 4-5)

İslâm Peygamberi Muhammed ile evliliği

Zeyneb bint-i Cahş'ın, iddeti (Zeyd bin Hârise'den boşandıktan sonra beklemesi gereken süre) dolmuştu. 35 yaşındaydı.[14] Muhammed'e bir gün eşi Âişe ile oturup sohbet ederken gelen Vahiy'le[15] inen ayetler:

hükmünü içermektedir. Bu hükmü toplumda yerleştirmek için Muhammed'in, Allah tarafından Zeynep ile evlendirildiğine inanılır.[16][17]

Bu sure ve ayetlerle ilgili olarak vahyin Allah'ın arzularından ziyade Muhammed'in arzularını yansıttığı şeklinde eleştiriler yapılmıştır.[18][19][20][21][22]


İslâmi açıdan Allah, Zeyneb ile evlenmesi konusunda peygamberine emir vermiştir. İslam Peygamberi de bu emre uyarak Zeyneb'i zevceliğe almıştır. İlgili ayette geçen "Biz onu sana zevce yaptık" beyanı, bu nikâhın bir akd-i semâvi olduğuna delâlet etmektedir. Ayrıca bu nikâh örfî ve zâhirî geleneklerin ötesinde, ilâhi emir, şer'î hûküm, kader hükmü özelliğindedir.[23]


Muhammed'den sonra ilk vefat eden eşi Zeyneb bint-i Cahş olmuştur. Zeyneb, hicretin 20. yılında 53 yaşında iken vefat etmiştir. [24] Cenaze namazını Ömer bin Hattab kıldırmıştır.[25]

Zeyneb bint-i Cahş, İslam Peygamberi Muhammed'den 11 hadis rivayet etmiştir.[26]


  1. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI
  2. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI
  3. ^ İbn Sa'd,Tabakat, c.8, s.101
  4. ^ Kastallani, İrşad, III, 22
  5. ^ Hâkim, Müstedrek, IV, 25
  6. ^ İbn Kesir, Bidaye, VII, 104
  7. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI
  8. ^ Kâinatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı, Salih Suruç, 370.baskı, s.495
  9. ^ Kâinatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı, Salih Suruç, 370.baskı, s.496
  10. ^ İbn Sa'd, a.g.e. c.8, s.101
  11. ^ Tirmizi, Sünen, c.5, s.354
  12. ^ İbn Kesir, Tefsir, c.3, s.491
  13. ^ Komisyon, Büyük İslam Tarihi, c.I, s.329
  14. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI
  15. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI
  16. ^ Sarıçam, İbrahim, Hz. Muhammed ve Evrensel Mesajı, Ankara 2005, s.290.
  17. ^ Kâinatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı, Salih Suruç, 370.baskı, s.496
  18. ^ "Being the wife of an adopted son, she was unlawful to the Prophet, but a pretended revelation (see Qur’ān, Sūrah xxxiii. 37) settled the difficulty, and Muḥammad married her." Hughes, T. P. (1885). A Dictionary of Islam: Being a Cyclopædia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, together with the Technical and Theological Terms, of the Muhammadan Religion. London: W. H. Allen & Co.
  19. ^ "However, Muhammad did this, and had to justify his action by alleging that he had for it the direct sanction of God. It was first necessary to show that God did not approve of the general objection to marriage with wives of adopted sons, and so the revelation came thus: Nor hath He made your adopted sons to be as your sons.—Súratu’l Ahzáb (33) v. 4. ... Having thus settled the general principle, the way was clear for Muhammad to act in this particular case, and to claim divine sanction for setting at nought the sentiment of the Arab people. So the revelation goes on to say: And remember when thou (i.e. Muhammad) said to him (i.e. Zaid), unto whom God had shown favour and to whom thou also hadst shown favour, ‘Keep thy wife to thyself and fear God;’ and thou didst hide in thy mind what God would bring to light and thou didst fear man; but more right had it been to fear God. And when Zaid had settled to divorce her, we married her to thee, that it might not be a crime in the faithful to marry the wives of their adopted sons when they have settled the affairs concerning them. And the order of God is to be performed. No blame attaches to the Prophet where God hath given him a permission.—Súratu’l Ahzáb (33) vv. 37–8. This relaxation of the moral law for Muhammad’s benefit, because he was a prophet, shows how easy the divorce between religion and morality becomes in Islám." Sell, E. (1905). The Historical Development of the Quran (pp. 150–152). London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  20. ^ "But we learn the same lesson from all such investigations, and that is how completely Muḥammad adapted his pretended revelations to what he believed to be the need of the moment. The same thing is true with regard to what we read in Sûrah Al Aḥzâb regarding the circumstances attending his marriage with Zainab, whom his adopted son Zaid divorced for his sake. The subject is too unsavoury for us to deal with at any length, but a reference to what the Qur’ân itself (Sûrah XXXIII., 37) says about the matter, coupled with the explanations afforded by the Commentators and the Traditions, will prove that Muḥammad’s own character and disposition have left their mark upon the moral law of Islâm and upon the Qur’ân itself." Tisdall, W. S. C. (1911). The Original Sources of the Qur’ân (pp. 278–279). London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  21. ^ "But at Medina he seems to have cast off all shame; and the incidents connected with his marital relations, more especially the story of his marriage with Zainab the wife of his adopted son Zaid, and his connexion with Mary the Coptic slave-girl, are sufficient proof of his unbridled licentiousness and of his daring impiety in venturing to ascribe to GOD Most High the verses which he composed to sanction such conduct." Tisdall, W. S. C. (1895). The Religion of the Crescent, or Islâm: Its Strength, Its Weakness, Its Origin, Its Influence. Non-Christian Religious Systems (p. 177). London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  22. ^ "The scandal of the marriage was removed by this extraordinary revelation, and Zeid was thenceforward called not “the son of Mahomet,” as heretofore, but by his proper name, “Zeid, the son of Hârith.” Our only matter of wonder is, that the Revelations of Mahomet continued after this to be regarded by his people as inspired communications from the Almighty, when they were so palpably formed to secure his own objects, and pander even to his evil desires. We hear of no doubts or questionings; and we can only attribute the confiding and credulous spirit of his followers to the absolute ascendancy of his powerful mind over all who came within its influence." Muir, W. (1861). The Life of Mahomet (Vol. 3, p. 231). London: Smith, Elder and Co.
  23. ^ Kâinatın Efendisi Peygamberimizin Hayatı, Salih Suruç, 370.baskı, s.496-497
  24. ^ İbn Sa’d, age., VIII, 113.
  25. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI
  26. ^ http://web.firat.edu.tr/msoysaldi/efendimizinevlilikleri.pdf Prof.Dr.Mehmet SOYSALDI

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