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Kayıt tipini, kullanıcı ismini, sayfa ismini girerek listeyi daraltabilirsiniz.

  • 10.04, 19 Kasım 2021 Efesus Stone mesaj katkılar, Afyon white marble sayfasını oluşturdu ("Afyon White Marble Afyon/Iscehisar marbles have the most common usage area compared to other marbles extracted from other quarries in Turkey. The first marble extraction in the Afyon/İscehisar region was BC. It is indicated that it started around 900 years.” Afyon White Marble is white in color and rarely contains fine gilded/yellow veins in patches. It is used in the fields of slabs, tiles, interior, and exterior coating, flooring, souvenirs, sculptu..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
  • 10.01, 19 Kasım 2021 Efesus Stone mesaj katkılar, Kullanıcı:Efesus Stone sayfasını oluşturdu ("'''Afyon White Marble ''' None of the marble obtained from any area of Afyon/İscehisar marble in Turkey does not have as wide a use. The first marble extraction in the Afyon İscehisar region was BC. It is stated that it started around 900 years. Afyon White Marble is white in color and rarely contains fine gilded/yellow veins in patches. It is used in the fields of slabs, tiles, interior, and exterior coating, flooring, souvenirs, sculpture, and deco..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
  • 09.16, 19 Kasım 2021 Kullanıcı hesabı Efesus Stone mesaj katkılar oluşturuldu