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Istanbul 2012: The Intercontinental Wikimania

Istanbul is the most populous city of Turkey. It is the financial capital of the country. The city has the 34th biggest economy in the world, and the municipal area has the biggest population in Europe. As of 2009, the city has a population of 12.782.960.

Since Istanbul is one of the oldest cities in the world and has been the capital of three empires, it is a strong and magnificent bridge between the past and the present. Besides a number of artefactual structures, it has wonderful natural places. The city is listed under the World Heritage Sites of UNESCO and was the European Capital of Culture in 2010.

The city has been settled by various cultures. It has preserved its cosmopolitan and metropolitan structure that people from different religions, nations and cultures are living together. Since Istanbul is one of the rare cities that has achieved to be a centre for everything for long periods, it is one of the capitals of the world.

About Istanbul

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Wikimania 2012 Candidate Istanbul
Logo of Wikimania 2012 in Istanbul
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Suggested destinationsNot certain
Location of Istanbul, Turkey

Getting to Istanbul

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Only capital and big cities are included. For more destinations, visit Turkish Airlines' Website. Turkish Airlines is abbreviated as THY in the table.

Air connections to Atatürk Airport from European cities
City Airfare Airlines Travel time Additional remarks
Amsterdam -
Athens -

[[Dosya:|1400px|alt=|Panoramic view of the w:Golden Horn in Istanbul, as seen from the w:Galata Tower. The w:Galata Bridge can be seen in the center of the picture. The w:Seraglio Point where the w:Topkapı Palace is located is seen at the left tip of the historic peninsula; followed by (left to right) the w:Hagia Sophia, the w:Sultan Ahmed Mosque, the w:Yeni Mosque near the Galata Bridge, the Beyazıt Tower rising high in the background, and the Süleymaniye Mosque at far right, among others. The w:Sea of Marmara and the w:Princes' Islands are seen in the background, on the horizon. At the extreme left of the picture, the district of w:Kadıköy (ancient w:Chalcedon) on the Asian side of the city can be seen. Behind the Galata Bridge, towards the horizon, the w:Column of Constantine (which was surrounded by iron bars for restoration at the time of this photo) rises.]]
Panoramic view of the w:Golden Horn in Istanbul, as seen from the w:Galata Tower. The w:Galata Bridge can be seen in the center of the picture. The w:Seraglio Point where the w:Topkapı Palace is located is seen at the left tip of the historic peninsula; followed by (left to right) the w:Hagia Sophia, the w:Sultan Ahmed Mosque, the w:Yeni Mosque near the Galata Bridge, the Beyazıt Tower rising high in the background, and the Süleymaniye Mosque at far right, among others. The w:Sea of Marmara and the w:Princes' Islands are seen in the background, on the horizon. At the extreme left of the picture, the district of w:Kadıköy (ancient w:Chalcedon) on the Asian side of the city can be seen. Behind the Galata Bridge, towards the horizon, the w:Column of Constantine (which was surrounded by iron bars for restoration at the time of this photo) rises.
[[Dosya:|1000px|alt=|w:Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, connecting Europe (left) and Asia (right)]]
w:Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, connecting Europe (left) and Asia (right)
Maslak financial district at sunset


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