III. Pepin: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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The younger son of the Frankish prince Charles Martel, Pepin's upbringing was distinguished by the ecclesiastical education he had received from the monks of St. Denis. Succeeding his father as the Mayor of the Palace in 741, Pepin reigned over Francia jointly with his elder brother Carloman. Pepin ruled in Neustria, Burgundy, and Provence, while his brother Carloman established himself in Austrasia, Alemannia and Thuringia. The brothers were active in subjugating revolts led by the Bavarians, Aquitanians, Saxons, and the Alemanni in the early years of their reign. In 743, they ended the Frankish interregnum by choosing Childeric III, who was to be the last Merovingian monarch, as figurehead king of the Franks.
The younger son of the Frankish prince Charles Martel, Pepin's upbringing was distinguished by the ecclesiastical education he had received from the monks of St. Denis. Succeeding his father as the Mayor of the Palace in 741, Pepin reigned over Francia jointly with his elder brother Carloman. Pepin ruled in Neustria, Burgundy, and Provence, while his brother Carloman established himself in Austrasia, Alemannia and Thuringia. The brothers were active in subjugating revolts led by the Bavarians, Aquitanians, Saxons, and the Alemanni in the early years of their reign.

Being well disposed towards the church and Papacy on account of their ecclesiastical upbringing, Pepin and Carloman continued their father's work in supporting Saint Boniface in reforming the Frankish church, and evangelising the Saxons. After Carloman, who was an intensely pious man, retired to religious life in 747, Pepin became the sole ruler of the Franks. He suppressed a revolt led by his half-brother Grifo, and succeeded in becoming the undisputed master of all Francia. Giving up pretense, Pepin then forced Childeric into a monastery and had himself proclaimed king of the Franks with support of Pope Zachary in 751. The decision was not supported by all members of the Carolingian family and Pepin had to put down a revolt led by Carloman's son, Drogo, and again by Grifo.
Being well disposed towards the church and Papacy on account of their ecclesiastical upbringing, Pepin and Carloman continued their father's work in supporting Saint Boniface in reforming the Frankish church, and evangelising the Saxons. After Carloman, who was an intensely pious man, retired to religious life in 747, Pepin became the sole ruler of the Franks. He suppressed a revolt led by his half-brother Grifo, and succeeded in becoming the undisputed master of all Francia. Giving up pretense, Pepin then forced Childeric into a monastery and had himself proclaimed king of the Franks with support of Pope Zachary in 751. The decision was not supported by all members of the Carolingian family and Pepin had to put down a revolt led by Carloman's son, Drogo, and again by Grifo.

Sayfanın 10.12, 26 Şubat 2018 tarihindeki hâli

Kısa Pepin
Kisa Pepin heykeli Wurzburg Eski-Main-Köprüsü (Alte-Mainbruecke)'nde
Neustria Saray Nazırı
Hüküm süresi741–751
Önce gelenCharles Martel
Sonra gelenKrallık
Austrasia Saray Nazırı
Hüküm süresi747–751
Önce gelenCarloman
Sonra gelenKrallık
Franklar Krali
Hüküm süresi751–768
Taç giymesi26 Temmuz 754
Önce gelenIII. Childric
Sonra gelenŞarlman ve I. Carloman
Liège (?)
Ölüm24 Eylül 768 (54 yaşında)
San Denis Manastırı
DefinSan Denis Bazilkası
Eş(ler)iBertrada Laonlu
I. Carloman
Beş diğerleri
BabasıCharles Martel
AnnesiRotrude Trierli
Kisa Pepin ve karısı Bertrade Laonlu'nun San Denis Bazilikası'ndaki mezarı

Kısa Pepin (Fransızca: Pepin le Bref, Almanca: Pippin der Jüngere) (d. 714 – ö. 24 Eylül 768), Franklar Krallığı'nda bir devlet adamı ve sonra kral. Önce Saray Nazırı unvanları ile Franklar Krallığı'nı fiilen yönetmiş ve 765'da kendisi Franklar Krallığı tahtına geçmiştir. Karolenj Hanedanından ilk hükümdar olmuştur. Krallıkta kilise ve parasal reformlar yapılmasını sağlamıştır. Lombardlara karşı, Guney Fransa'da musluman Araplara karsi ve bağımsız Akitanya Düklüğü'ne karşıs askeri seferler düzenlemiştir.


The younger son of the Frankish prince Charles Martel, Pepin's upbringing was distinguished by the ecclesiastical education he had received from the monks of St. Denis. Succeeding his father as the Mayor of the Palace in 741, Pepin reigned over Francia jointly with his elder brother Carloman. Pepin ruled in Neustria, Burgundy, and Provence, while his brother Carloman established himself in Austrasia, Alemannia and Thuringia. The brothers were active in subjugating revolts led by the Bavarians, Aquitanians, Saxons, and the Alemanni in the early years of their reign.

Being well disposed towards the church and Papacy on account of their ecclesiastical upbringing, Pepin and Carloman continued their father's work in supporting Saint Boniface in reforming the Frankish church, and evangelising the Saxons. After Carloman, who was an intensely pious man, retired to religious life in 747, Pepin became the sole ruler of the Franks. He suppressed a revolt led by his half-brother Grifo, and succeeded in becoming the undisputed master of all Francia. Giving up pretense, Pepin then forced Childeric into a monastery and had himself proclaimed king of the Franks with support of Pope Zachary in 751. The decision was not supported by all members of the Carolingian family and Pepin had to put down a revolt led by Carloman's son, Drogo, and again by Grifo.

As King, Pepin embarked on an ambitious program to expand his power. He reformed the legislation of the Franks and continued the ecclesiastical reforms of Boniface. Pepin also intervened in favour of the Papacy of Stephen II against the Lombards in Italy. He was able to secure several cities, which he then gave to the Pope as part of the Donation of Pepin. This formed the legal basis for the Papal States in the Middle Ages. The Byzantines, keen to make good relations with the growing power of the Frankish empire, gave Pepin the title of Patricius. In wars of expansion, Pepin conquered Septimania from the Islamic Ummayads, and subjugated the southern realms by repeatedly defeating Waifer of Aquitaine and his Basque troops, after which the Basque and Aquitanian lords saw no option but to pledge loyalty to the Franks. Pepin was, however, troubled by the relentless revolts of the Saxons and the Bavarians. He campaigned tirelessly in Germany, but the final subjugation of these tribes was left to his successors.

Pepin died in 768 and was succeeded by his sons Charlemagne and Carloman. Although unquestionably one of the most powerful and successful rulers of his time, Pepin's reign is largely overshadowed by that of his more famous son.



  • 715 : Kisa Pépin'in doğumu. Babasi Charles Martel.
  • 737 : Leutburga ile ilk evlilik yapmasi (Evlilikten bes cocuklari olmustur)
  • 741 : 26 yasinda iken babasinin olumu uzerine onun yerine Neustria Saray Naziri gorevine atanmasi.
  • 743 : Kisa Pépin III. Childéric'i 737'den beri hasta olarak cekilmis oldugu manastirdan cikmasini saglayarak Franklar Kralai tahtina gecirmesi.
  • 744 : Fransa'daki Katolik kilisesi hierarsisini yeniden organize etmek icin Soissons'da bir Konsil toplamasi. Bu kilise reorganizasyonu basina San Boniface'yi gecirmesi.
  • 744 : Bertrade Laonlu ile evlilik yapmasi.
  • 747 : Kardesi Carloman'in kesislik icin manastira cekilmesi. Onun Austrasia Saray Naziri gorevini Pepin'in uzerine almasi.
  • 751 : Pepin'in Franklar Krali III. Childéric'i thattan indirmesi. Kasim'da Soissons'da toplanan Krallik asiller asemblesinde ekseriyetle Franklar Krali olarak secilip teyit edilmesi.
  • 754 : Yeni papa olan II. Stephenus'un Roma'yi isgal etmekle tehdit eden Lombardlara karsi Kisa Pepin'den askeri destek istemesi.
    • 26 Temmuz'da Pepin icin San Denis Bazilikasi'nda dini tac giydirilmesi toreni yapilmasi.
    • Ekim'de Pepin'in Lombaratlara bir elci heyeti gondermesi ama bu elcilerinin basarisiz kalmalari.
  • 755 : Pein'in Lombartlara karsi ilk askeri sefere gitmesi ve onlari maglup etmesi.
    • "Ver Buyrugu" ile parasal reformlarin uygulanmaya baslanmasi.
  • 756 : Lombartlara karsi ikinci askeri sefer yapilmasi.
    • Katolik papazlarin kilise icin tarim uurubu hasadindan belirli bir ondalik vergi toplamalarin resmen kabul edilmesi.
    • "Denier" adli altin sikkenin resmi devlet parasi olarak kabul edilmesi.
  • 757 : Lombardlara karsi ucuncu askeri sefer yapilmasi.
    • Compiègne Konsil'in taoplantiya baslamasi.
  • 758 : Lombardlara karsi dorduncu askeri sefer yapilmasi. Lombartlarin ele gecirmie olduklari Revanna Eksarajligi arazilerinden geri atilmalari.
  • 759 : Guney Fransa'da Narbon merkezli yerlesmis olann musluman Araplara saldirilip onlarin bu arazilerden cikartilmalari. Narbon'un Franklar eline gecmesi.
  • 761 : Son bagimsiz Akitanya Duku olan Waifre uzerine bu duklugu Franklara baglamak icin yapilan 8 askeri seferden ilkinin baslamasi. 761'deki seferde Pein ordusu Clermont-Ferrand'in buyuk bir kismini ve burada bulunan "Nortre-Dame de Port adli katedrali yakip yikmistir. Bu katedral yakmasi dolayisla Katolik Kilisesi tarafindna Pepin'in ikaz edilmesi ve bunun tekrarindna aforoz edilecegini bildirilmesi. Bu ikaza uyan Pepin'in yaktigi bu sehri yeniden yapip imar etmeye baslamasi.
  • 768 : 4 Eylul'da Kisa Pepin'in hastalanip San Denis Manastir'inda olmesi. Cenazesinin orada gomulmesi.

Ailesi ve cocuklari

Kisa Pepin once Tuna bolgesinden Leutberga adli bir kadinla ile evlilik yapmistir. Bes kiz cocuklari oldugu bilinmektedir. Fakat Kisa Pepin baska bir akraba soylu kadinla evlilik yapip Sarlaman adli ogullarai dogduktan sonra, Kisa Pepin Leutbarga ile evliligin mesru olmadigini iddia ederek Leutberga ve kiz cocuklarini manastirlara rahibe olmaya yollamistir.

741'de Kisa Pepin Bertrada Laon'lu bir akraba soylu kadınla evlilik yaptı. Bu kadının babası Caribert Laonlu Kisa Pepin'in dedesi olan Pepin Herstalli'nin kardeşi Martin Laon'nun oğluydu. Kisa Pepin'in Bertada'dan 8 çocuğu olduğu bunlardan ancak ucunun yetişkinliğe kadar yaşadığı ve diğerlerinin ise bebek veya çocukken öldükleri (bunlardan üçünün mezarlarının Metz'de olduğu) belgelidir.[1] Kısa Pepin'in yetişkinliğe erişen üç çocuğu şunlardır:

  • Şarlman (d. 2 Nisan 742 – o. 28 ocak 814), (Şarlman)
  • Carloman (d. 751 – o. 4 Aralik 771)
  • Gisela (d.757 – o. 810)


  1. ^ url=http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#PepinleBrefFranksB Silsileler Orta Caglar: Franklar, Karolenj Hanedani'ndan krallar

Dış bağlantılar

Franklar Krali Kisa Pepin
Doğumu: 714 Ölümü: 24 Eylul 768
Resmî unvanlar
Önce gelen
Charles Martel
Neustria Saray Nazırı
Sonra gelen
Kral olma
Önce gelen
Charles Martel oğlu Carloman
Austrasia Saray Nazırı
Sonra gelen
Kral olma
Önce gelen
III. Childeric
Franklar Kralı
Sonra gelen
Şarlman ve I. Carloman